© 2025, Kalashnikov Concern JSC, part of the Kalashnikov Group. Anti-Corruption. tip line. Site is protected reCAPTCHA. By using it you agree to privacy policy ...
Mar 29, 2024 · Explore the world of Kalashnikov - the manufacturer of true, authentic AK platform firearms and tactical accessories, proudly made in the ...


Arms manufacturers company
JSC Kalashnikov Concern, known until 2013 as the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant, is a Russian defense manufacturing concern and joint-stock company headquartered in the city of Izhevsk in the Republic of Udmurtia as well as the capital city of... Wikipedia
Parent organizations: Rostec and TKH-Invest OOO
Founded: June 10, 1807
CEO: Alexey Krivoruchko (Jan 31, 2014–)
Headquarters: Moscow, Russia
Number of employees: 5,930 (2015)

The Kalashnikov Concern produces about 95% of all small arms in Russia and supplies to more than 27 countries around the world, making it the largest firearm ...
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New transactions by U.S. persons with Kalashnikov Concern are prohibited, however, and any property in which Kalashnikov Concern has an interest is blocked ...
Type: Entity, List: SDN. Entity Name: JOINT STOCK COMPANY CONCERN KALASHNIKOV, Program: UKRAINE-EO13661; RUSSIA-EO14024. Remarks: ...
The Kalashnikov Concern AMB-17 is an integrally suppressed assault rifle that uses a heavy subsonic 9×39mm SP5 cartridge and armor-piercing SP6 cartridge.
Kalashnikov Concern is a Russian developer and manufacturer of army equipment, including personal rifles, missiles and vehicles. It is directly controlled by ...