Death or Treat from
This frighteningly funny collection of Halloween poems is perfect for sharing!
Death or Treat from
Looking at the cultural responses to death and dying, this collection explores the emotional aspects that death provokes in humans, whether it is disgust, fear, awe, sadness, anger, or even joy.
Death or Treat from
... death, laws and public discourse have established the pattern of also using the term “death” to refer to those beings who should be treated the way we treat the dead. The term “death,” then, like the term “person,” has taken on a second ...
Death or Treat from
... treat a dead person differently from the corpse of a wild animal , but this isn't because they have different capacities . Rather , to regard something as a person is to treat them in certain ways . For example , people are named rather ...
Death or Treat from
... treat alcohol/drug problems in more general practice set- tings. It may even be easier to treat them there ... death in the Western world. Treat- ing addictions is quite literally a matter of life and death. Treating addictions ...
Death or Treat from
... death . Treating it as a person , and a person of vilest character , they speak or write , as if they thought themselves at liberty to apply to it terms of the strongest reprobation . That any honest mind should so treat ... death in the ...
Death or Treat from
... death . Treat- nervous system . He had reliance on venesection , ment , fluid ext . of cannabis Indica . Sinapisms to and counteracting the exciting local cause ; spine . Convulsions of a tetanic character . No thought his experience ...
Death or Treat from
... death is possible . Now , what if one of the side effects is death ? Do you refuse to administer the treatment because ... treat the infection with penicillin or not will still be a balance between the probable benefit and probable ...
Death or Treat from
... death , treat- ment of the dead body , and mourning on the other . Freud , too , in various places but particularly in The Future of an Illusion ( 1927/1971 ) draws somewhat pessimistic conclusions for religion . Unlike Russell ...